Resume of Volker Mische

Volker Mische


About me

I’m a software engineer currently working on a search index called Noise. I’m a huge proponent of open source and try to collaborate instead of re-inventing the wheel. Hence I try to fix bugs whenever I encounter them.

Work experience

Noise (July 2016 – Today)

I’m working together with Damien Katz on Noise. For more information see section open source projects.

Couchbase (CouchOne) (October 2010 – July 2016)

Started at CouchOne, which later was merged with Membase to form Couchbase. I was in the view-engine team, thus working mostly in Erlang and C/C++ to improve the geospatial and mapreduce indexing.

LISAsoft Pty Ltd (March 2008 – February 2009)

LISAsoft creates geospatial applications based on open source software and open standards. There I worked most of the time as a frontend developer to create nice web mapping applications based on OpenLayers an jQuery. Other projects I’ve worked on was a performance testing suite for Web Feature Services with complex XML schemas.

Speaking at conferences

Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial Conference (FOSS4G) 2009 – 2017

The FOSS4G is the biggest open source geospatial conference that takes place yearly (except 2012) in a different location. It’s organized by volunteers of the OSGeo Foundation. I was member of the local organizing committee 2009 in Sydney and the program chair 2016 in Bonn.

FOSSGIS 2010 – 2015

The FOSSGIS is the German language chapter spin-off of the FOSS4G.

OSGeo code sprint Bolsena 2010 – 2017

At the OSGeo code sprint in Bolsena I’ve spent most of my time telling the people about GeoCouch, Apache CouchDB, Couchbase and Noise.

WhereCamp EU 2011, 2012

The WhereCamp EUs are unconferences where I mostly talked about geo databases and MapQuery.

LXJS 2012

At the LXJS 2012 JavaScript conference in Lisbon I gave a talk about bi-directional transformations with lenses (JSlens within the “mad science” section.

Open source projects


Noise is a search index with spatial indexing capabilities It’s written in Rust and uses modified RocksDB (to support multi-dimensional data) as backend.


I’m is the creator of GeoCouch a geospatial extension for Apache CouchDB and Couchbase. It’s written mostly in Erlang with some parts ported to C/C++.


As I prefer open source solutions, I contributed to various open source projects whenever I encountered a bug. It ranges from getting my printer work again (it sadly didn’t go upstream, but worked for me), to fixing Rockbox’ support for an audio player to be used left-handed properly, to fix some small race condition on the SIM card import of Firefox OS. I also find it important to help finding bugs, even if it doesn’t end up in a fix, like this long one about on the Intel Wifi driver. I’ve also made small contributions to the JavaScript projects PouchDB/GeoPouch, the early days of WYMEditor and co-created MapQuery.

Projects at university

SoPra (April 2006 – August 2006)

“SoPra” is the short name for “Software Praktikum” (engl. “software internship”). This term MSN Germany set the task: the implementation of a community platform for Windows Live Messenger (like Windows Liver Gallery) where you can upload avatars, background images and smileys (emoticons). Some of the key features that were implemented:

The teams of 5 students were drawn by lot. My team (I was the team leader) made the second place out of 21 teams (MSN made the ranking).

Technologies used: C#, 2.0, XML, (X)HTML, CSS, JavaScript


Maps for excursion guide for Namibia (March 2007 – August 2007)

My graphical skills were helpful when I needed to create maps for an excursion guide to Namibia. The data was from the Atlas of Namibia. I processed it in OpenJump exported it to SVG and gave the map the final touch within Inkscape. The responsible professor said that he never had a student who created such good maps, further he said that I “have a big sense for colours, forms and arrangements".

Map of Etosha Pan Namibia Map of mining in Namibia Map of railroads in Namibia Map of population density in Namibia Map of telecommunication in Namibia Map of vegetation in Namibia


October 2004 – September 2010

Universität Augsburg

September 1994 – September 2004

Rudolf-Diesel-Gymnasium Augsburg